
Milwaukee Road Trip :: Part 2

Milwaukee itself is extremely old world. I was taken away by the beauty of the architecture and the fact that it still grasped on to the old world feel. I drove around aimlessly Saturday morning while Anna was at work. I had some coffee at Alterra (the one by the lake - a little drive from the Art Museum) and would like to thank Kate from Otillie's Closet for that recommendation through twitter! It was lovely. I sat by myself and let my phone die while I ate my breakfast. Totally in peace as I stared at this man's hairline who was had his back to me.

On my way back, I drove through Anna's neighborhood. I wish I could get a tour of every single one of these homes. And...of course, I screamed and hit on my breaks when I saw the boarded up home. Think about exploring that!

I have a few more pictures that I took while I was thrifting that I can show you guys later.
Besides all these Milwaukee posts, in the real world, I am working on a giveaway bag because the Bird Trouble etsy shop reached 1,000 admirers! It's cupid themed colors... and I'm really crazy about it. I was originally going to have it done by tomorrow, Sunday, but I've been so behind on sleep and time at home. This week was filled with an adventure day off during the week, and then a lot of work, with some catching up with friends. One of my dear friends, Allie, is moving back home to Tennessee so I went to her prom themed party for an hour yesterday. I'm going to miss her until I can see her next... Tennessee road trip?!

xoxo, Alexz


  1. I love these photos, and so want a road trip to Milwaukee myself, but unfortunately it would have to also involve several plane trips before I could!!
    But these photos have made me determined to get there one day- what awesomeness in those houses

  2. i've never thought about visiting Wisconsin but your milwaukee posts make it look pretty enticing!
