
10 Things I Love

Hey everyone! 10 Things I Love Monday is here!

Before the photos, here are a few things that are going on in my life:
  • We signed the lease on Saturday! Our move-in date is on the 15th. I'm SO excited!!! I can't wait to get in, decorate, and show everyone pictures. One more week!
  • I started running to relieve some anxiety and to get my summer legs on (I know, I'm a little late). I ran with Bowie tonight and he's pooped... I love it when he's pooped.
  • I met up with Rachel from MouseVox Vintage and two other pleasant Chicago bloggers for a drink at Handlebar in Chicago! We had a pleasant time talking about boys and stuff... heh.
  • I sent out the packages to the giveaway winners... finally. I've been running around like a chicken without a head lately and I think it's finally back on.
  • I went camping a while back with a group of friends. It was a blast. I can't wait to do more camping this summer.

    Here's my 10 Things I Love list!

    1) This photo inspired me for a new project for my new place!

    2) The good ol' midwest. This picture is from our camping trip.

    3) AH! How can you not love this?!

    4) This is wild and fantastic! I'd love to have this in my room as a headboard or something.

    5) This adorable vintage typewriter collection from Katja over at Maedchenmitherz.

    6) I nearly died when I saw this on my flickr's friend list. Photo from Bird In Hand.

    7) Summer hats. I can't wait to find the perfect one. I'm going antiquing tomorrow to hunt one down!

    8) Another project for my new place? I think so! If anyone knows of the perfect tutorial, let me in on it!

    9) Well... you all (or most of you) know how I feel about Bob Dylan, but do you know how I feel about striped sweaters? :D

    10) Saving the best for last- Double Parlour was one of Etsy's featured sellers a while back. I'm
    OBSESSED with this print and I'm 5 minutes away from pressing the buy button.

    See you guys soon! I hope everyone is wonderful!


  1. that record wave is amazing I agree stephanie! it makes me get this feeling in my belly that makes me NEED to run up and slide down it!

  2. ...and yey for your new house!

  3. #9... the best time to wear a striped sweater... is all the timeeeeee XD

  4. wow that vinyl tidal wave is amazingness!

  5. Oh I love me some Dylan! Love the list haha ♥

  6. Mmmmm...... all lovely. Especially the Dylan. <3

  7. It was lovely to meet you! I'm glad you came out and joined us for "boy talk". :)

  8. *_______* OMG the vinyl wave is something AMAZING!!
    love it!
    thanx for sharing

  9. the vinyl wave is awesome but i would rather have this kind of origami decoration at house!!! <3

  10. I really wanna learn how to do origami, I see so many neat things being done with it!

  11. What gorgeous art pieces! I love those cranes. I'm moving too (to my first apartment with my boyfriend) and those cranes would make great blinds. It sounds like you've been having a great start to summer.

  12. That wave made of records is awesome and I also love summer hats, too bad its winter here :(

  13. hi sweetie! just wanted to let you know that I received the wallet and i LOVEEE it!! =) thank you soo much dear! that is soo fun you got to meet up with other bloggers and hope your move went well!!


  14. Hey! First of all I hope your move went well and you're having a whole lot of fun decorating! Second of all still loving your blog after discovering it last year (reading it cheered me up immensely when I was going through a pretty tough time) and thirdly, where are you?!
    Can't wait for your next update girl!
    Love xx

  15. im a new follower
    i love your blog its adorable
    these pictures are so inspirational
    belle xx

  16. this is such a cute idea for a post! im stealing it! xo

  17. Wow this list is awesome ! I love everything :)

    ps. i'm a new follower !
