
Playing about with: Sketching

Lately, I've had this craving to work on something different, other than sewing.
It's just this weird urge that I get from time to time. Probably mostly because I get bored so easily, or probably because it's human nature to grow and try new things.
So, I went shopping with James the other day so he could get some fancy markers for his B.A. comic style artwork he's been working on (which, by the way, is frickin' awesome and I can't wait until he lets me take a picture and show you guys!!) and I thought,
why the heck not? So I grabbed some pencils, some marker pens, each with a different thickness, and one of those tiny sketch books that I can put in my purse.
I've been extremely inspired by feminine sketch drawings, detail to texture, and of course (following the trend) taxidermy.

Here are two tiny drawing I did. I have a few photos I've taken with my 35mm that I want to convert into a sketch, and the 2nd one of my mom is one of them. The next one I'm going to work on is a photo of my parents camping when they were younger. I'm also working on a sort-of zine, but I'll explain that later after I get more than a few pages done.

-marker, pencil, and water color-

-marker and pencil shading-

I'm really, really enjoying this new creative side. Even though I don't think I'm great at drawing... especially when it comes to proportions and a steady hand, but I definitely love doing it and it's so much fun to do while sitting on my bed and watching a movie.

Is there any new forms of creativity you've been testing out? How is it going for you?
I'd love to see photos of it (I'm sure my readers would too). It'd be so nice to inspire others!

xoxo, Bird Trouble


  1. i think you're a great artist! i've always wished i could draw or paint... the best i can do is stick figures lol but i did try my hand at making some circular scarves and they turned out pretty well! you can see some of them in my etsy shop http://brigitteee.etsy.com


  2. That's fantastic, sometimes we definitely need a change of scenery. Nice work on the drawings! :)
