
Crochet and Pastels :: New Pouches

Four new pouches have wiggled their way into the shop. 
Featuring feathers, vintage crochet, canary leather, sandy leather, 
and a vintage clustered pastel. Wooden tags were carved by yours truly,
and I'm sorry but you can not have my sweet knife, and yes these
are miscellaneous items from my own bag.

Find them here!

Today consisted of typical day things: 8:00am alarm, wash laundry, 30mph in a 25mph speeding ticket, Arizona Iced Tea, The Who, climbing 4 flights of stairs multiple times, and now drying laundry at my new favorite laundry mat with free WIFI. A nice little treat away from re-arranging my studio AGAIN. 
Oh yeah, I did that too.
PS: Don't forget about the Black Friday sale. The 25th to the 27th, take 15% off any Bird Trouble purchase.

gobble gobble,

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