In the process of creating the Fringe Satchel bag.
I am in love with the new set up of my craft room. My roommate's father was recently given the permission to rummage through an old barn that he is restoring. The owner told him to take some things, so not only do we have a million frames for my roommate's illustrations, but I have a new desk! Look at this damn beauty:
This is before I moved it to the other side of the room so I can have full TV view. I need my black & white movie or King of the Hill entertainment while I'm sewing! I'm now using my old desk (in the above photos - that is actually a drafting table) as a cutting table. I'm able to walk around on either side and I can probably sit on top of it if I needed to. It's pretty exciting to me.
It's always a huge refreshment to me when I change my surroundings. Hence my blog being updated again. I realized that the "Dynamic View" that blogger offers wasn't giving my readers the full experience. I didn't like that it cut off my pictures, which I obviously like to show. I freshened up the banner and my "About BT".
I'll be keeping busy this week with sewing more ready to ship bags. Have you seen my new ones recently?
Enjoy the beginning start to your week!
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