
Caturday ::: The Elegant Cat

This week's Caturday is in honor to this t-shirt.
Wake up a cat lady, be a cat lady in public, come home to be a cat lady.
Pride yourself on loving cats!

I personally am a huge fan of Rosie Music's entire shop. Every item gets me really excited (like seeing a baby bunny) and squeelish. I mean, who wouldn't want a Wolf White Sweatshirt?
OH and here's another cat item of hers: The Elegant Cat print.

This weekend, I'm enjoying some quality dude time with some dude friends... one I haven't seen in, oh, a year? We're going to eat ice cream for dinner and stay up past 9:00pm! I love dudes who act like their my disgusting brothers.
The perks of growing up a tom-boy: getting to know what boy-talk really is.

Enjoy your Caturday!
xoxo, Alexz

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness. I am flipping out over that cat shirt! I want to do all my Christmas shopping in her store, haha! :)
