
Shop Update :: Oversized, Yellow Leather, & Hand-painted Fashion

I've been anxious to get these into the shop. These have to be some of my favorite. Especially the large zipper pouches! Myself and the rest of Chicago are diging the cheerful Chicago freak-warm winter weather we've been having. Maybe it helped inspire these bright new bags. This shop update includes the following small/vague blurb that describes the previous lives that these bags had.... before they were bags.

one was a leather jacket that I almost kept.
these were on the original yardage bolt in a trunk of a van at a rummage sale.
he was a re-upholsterer who told me it was designer vintage.
if anyone knows any information, I'd like to validate this.
one was a skirt that just simply pleasantly surprised me.
this actually was just these: canvas and leather jacket. the brown strap is from a leather jacket, but I painted the canvas, and was also pleasantly surprised.

Also updated: I am now ONLY SHIPPING ON MONDAYS. This has been an on-going issue for me, but I work another job on top of sewing and my hours always change. Mondays are my constant day off and will from now on ONLY ship on Mondays, otherwise noted. 

Have a wonderful start to your week!