
Recently :: Through Instagram

Well. I'm not going to lie. It's been awesome around here recently. Mostly because I've been having a lot of fun, and not a lot of work. I did take extra time off this past weekend because it was Memorial Day weekend, and since it was officially the kick start to the summer, naturally I spent time at the beach and a lot of porch grilling with beer. Since I finished the Jade and Blossom bags, I've been scattering tasks such as re-organizing, cleaning, packing/shipping orders, making to-lists to get re-motivated, and clothing alterations for friends. I've been also working on a custom order bag for Naimah from D.Mae Clothing that is inspired by the Spanish Studded Bow Satchel. We're making it larger and adding a few twists to it but now I'm patiently waiting for the studs we decided on. 

Besides for friends-fun, I've been enjoying being outside with my dog, Ty, a lot. More and more, I've been loving our "our" time. I'm realizing this is because it's our first summer together, just us. Ty's been accompanying me for a long walks, sitting outside coffee shop outdoor patios, carrying very large sticks home, and even... running. Why, yes. Yes, I bought new running shoes. The last time I bought running shoes was probably early high school and that was because of gym class. I eventually only sported my one pair of black converse that I drew all over, boys skateboarding shoes, or a pair of thrifted Keds. Either way, these activities have helped me chill out while I stay understanding to what life throws at me, and get through some honest situations that has been laid out on a few tables. We ran north on the Lake Shore Trail the other day, but not for long. I'm still trying to get used to running in general, and teaching Ty to run straight and not into me.

Naturally as one feels from too much fun, I feel like I am definitely taking a slow time getting back into work mode, and it's taking longer now because I'm getting through my week's schedule at the salon. I'm already planning on the following to write on my new chalkboard wall! : I have Friday off from the salon and I plan on waking up early and getting Naimah's bag complete or at least 75% complete, then treating myself to hang out lunch with a friend, working more, and then figuring out plans with Rachael. Saturday afternoon, after I open the salon, will be generally sewing but I might take myself out on an adventure somewhere I haven't been.

How was your weekend? I hope enough of you are also slowing becoming normal and back to routine after a fun filled weekend... Hooray for fun!


  1. Glad you had a nice, long, relaxing weekend!
    And I'll have to follow you on instagram ;)

    1. Yes, find me and follow me so I can follow you too! I'm @birdtrouble
