With the new year coming in just a few days, I thought I'd make a little stop by to recap on some 2012 photos & to let you guys in on what 2013 is looking like for me & Bird Trouble. I normally do not make resolutions but I'm seeing the benefits of making a few now. If you're reading this, you're reading this from my Blogspot blog & I'd like to remind you that I moved over to a Wordpress blog. Please start following me over there - as this blog is not going to be used after this post. This is my closure to end 2012 & this is the beginning to my 2013 resolutions. 1) Starting a new. 2) Being more open.
Why am I moving?
I moved to Wordpress because I wanted a location where everything about the Bird Trouble could be found while I still had a personal blog that shows you a little more on the BT brand, and myself. In person // in real life, I am more of an open personality. I'm interested in showing people what I'm doing & I love meeting new people. I love getting to know the person enough to know that you have some sort of a connection with them - and that's how I'm going to use my new Wordpress home - to show you this special part of my life & my inspirations.
About the New Blog.
I really do have a lot in my brain & I want to be more open this year. I can't not let it out. So I'm going to start a weekly schedule for the new Bird Trouble Blog Features. The one I'm most excited about writing for is where I show you pictures from my personal life during that week. That feature will be called "These Days". I think this is going to help me feel more motivated to write outside of my blog too. I used to write every day, I even used to have a LiveJournal, but what's more important is that I had all these paper journals where I documented the trouble I'd get myself into, what I was feeling that day, & all that went along with growing up. It used to be such a huge part of my creative outlet & I know that it will help again with ending a day & starting a new.
Here are the blog Features for Bird Trouble's new blog home.
Music Monday.
These Days - Tuesday.
I Wore This - Wednesday.
In the Bird Trouble Studio - Thursday.
Friday Favorites.
Chicago, My Kind of City - Saturday.
**The Creatives - Interview Sunday.
Eventually, Sundays are going to have small interview posts featuring all kinds of creative people. The motivation behind The Creatives is to inspire us at the end of our week by reading what inspires & drives these people. I love learning about why someone does what they do, where they live, what their surrounded with, who they love. It's to support a creative modern lifestyle in a short tasteful personable way, where we can share inspiring pushes & introduce ourself to new people. I will introduce that more in the new year.
Follow My New Blog
I hope all of you follow me at my new blog. I just added a BlogLovin' button to make it easier. I'd love for you to spread the word too if you're a blogger yourself, & if there's any sort of collaboration you'd like to do to help support both of us, please contact me.
I really do appreciate each one of you taking the time to read what has been going on in my life. It's truly heart filling to receive such support & honest feedback from you guys. I've met so many amazing ladies (mostly) from blogging over here. Its scary moving but I know a true audience will follow. I really do see you as new friends & can't wait to meet more over at the new Bird Trouble Wordpress Blog.
I really do appreciate each one of you taking the time to read what has been going on in my life. It's truly heart filling to receive such support & honest feedback from you guys. I've met so many amazing ladies (mostly) from blogging over here. Its scary moving but I know a true audience will follow. I really do see you as new friends & can't wait to meet more over at the new Bird Trouble Wordpress Blog.
Happy New Year and much happiness & personal success to each of us in 2013.
Cute bag, and i love that tattoos.
Izod Z0063 Ladies Pique Polo