
Today I went...

Today, I woke up early to eat breakfast with my mom and her cousin at Burnt Toast. I had eggs benedict and hashbrowns... and boy, was it delicious. Then they dropped me off at home so I could do some reading for class but I was baffled about how sunny it was and how the sun felt on my skin (it's been freezing here.. I'll catch any sun that I can), I just wanted to spend more time outside. So I took Bowie for a walk, came back, hopped into my car and went thrifting!

One of the thrift stores was having a 50% off sale!! I found some fabric but that's it. It's more of a fancier thrift store with more mature clothing/furniture. They always give me funny looks when I go there. I don't know why? I'm not funny looking :). After being a little disappointed there, I decided to do a bit of a longer drive to go to my favorite thrift store... and it's a good thing I did!!

This is what I found:


1) A vintage thermo. I actually found two but the other one was just a plain dark blue so I put it down.
2) A polaroid camera WITH still 10 shots of film in it!!! You can imagine how excited I was.
3) This HUGE embroidery hoop. I'm stuck in between two things: simply putting a pretty fabric in it OR a solid color and doing a huge embroidery project. Either way, I can't wait to hang it near my craft space.
4) AND She's So Unusual record by Cyndi Lauper! Unfortunately, it didn't have the poster in it but it was pretty much calling my name because I was blasting that same album in the car yesterday.

I also found more fabric but I didn't take pictures of them yet. I'm in a rush because class is in an hour and a half!
I hope everyone's having a wonderful Tuesday! I'll leave you with a photo of me and a good friend of mine.... ;)



  1. I can't believe the polaroid camera still had film in it! That's so awesome!

  2. great finds!!! you look too cute :D

  3. wow! love that embroidery hoop. i don't think i've ever seen one that big...but i don't get out much. lol! the possibilities with that lovely are endless. i can understand the excitement. :)
    Renea Hanna
    Penny Threads.

  4. way to go with the polaroid camera and film still being in it! yayy!

  5. that thermos rocks my butt. go you!

  6. Lovely finds!! I just got two polaroid cameras this weekend... $3 each! Not lucky enough to get the film too though. Way to be!

  7. whoa your the luckiest ever!!! i got a button ! wanna trade?

  8. Woot woot! I love that you love Cyndi Lauper! Me too!
    You know that big hoop is for hand quilting :) so you should start quilting!

    Post the fabric!!!! Pretty please!!

  9. aww yay! I'm sooo glad that you had an awesome tuesday!! <3

  10. I blogged about you and your cute pillow ps ;)

  11. Score on the vintage finds! Bytheway, I love the new banner atop your bliggity blog. Adorable!

    Have a wonderful Monday!

    Sarah Ann

  12. Total scores! I say do a huge embroidery project.

  13. hi! i finaalllyy figured out how to do the text box so i can make a button! haha i added yours to my blog :D
